
recent me

so... have been real busy and tired lately.
i mean seriously busy and tired.

trying to grap pieces from my memory now.....

~the throbbing sound in my left ear came back after the flu, annoying.....

~had a fight with eric at one night

~been dealing with some really really "ma fan" ppl

~quite smooth running in recent experiments in lab, and feeling real successful :D

~feeling ridiculous that someone continuously called my parents' home and their cell phones, and even at mid-nights. my brother and i are going to fight back. real piss me off.

~going to macau tomorrow ! real excited about that, which is our first wedding job outside hong kong. real happy that the newly weds invite us to attend the banquet as well .... :P

~feeling extremely blissful that some bride-to-be are trusting our design/ taste in terms of flower arrangement. actually, i am quite happy to discuss with people about flower things.

~met a very helpful and nice salesman from a lighting shop, tho' he was using some very professional terms which we were all ??????? in our heads.....

~ had a nice dinner with my bro last night


a step further

think i 'm now at the second level of flower arrangement, learning more complicated ones.....
this one involves lots of wiring... you cannot imagine the time & effort that spent on this one.....but definitely worth !

the bluish rusty color of hydrangea is pretty cool.
i love special things, and this is the kind.
i think i am in the right class.



from appledaily

「你知道怎樣洗菜的,來洗一點吧,你從來都不做!」高錕按妻子吩咐,用水冲洗白菜,笑着呢喃:「我做得 到……」高錕夫婦現時在美國加州矽谷定居,兩口子談話夾雜國語、廣東語和英語。黃美芸對丈夫寸步不離,包辦衣食住行,像照顧小孩子般呵護備至,「他很乖, 聽我話。得病後有時候記不得事情,他就笑。」


高錕的小腦日漸萎縮,語言能力衰退, 詞不達意。他接受當地中文電視台訪問時說:「我現在很不太好。我自己裏面(指腦部)要講出來,很難做。」高錕對獲諾貝爾獎感興奮,「我很高興。這是非常好 的。(研究)係我自己做,呢啲好難做。」但記者和妻子數次問他是否光纖之父,他卻不明所以。
黃美芸本周二凌晨 3時(美國時間)突被電話弄醒,是瑞典皇家科學院的秘書,來電通知獲獎喜訊。黃又驚又喜,一時語塞,「很像發夢一樣,這個獎很難得到,不知道是真是假。」 她躺回床上睡不着覺,搖醒丈夫,「諾貝爾獎你知道吧?」睡夢中的高錕說:「嗯,那是世界性大獎。得諾貝爾獎是件大事,很高的榮譽。」黃說:「給你的。」高 答:「給我的嗎?很好呀!」說罷又沉沉睡去。
翌日恭賀來電及電郵如雪花般飄至,高錕卻似乎忘了自己得獎,黃美芸三番四次解釋,「佢好開心,話 delighted、 unexpected、"I don't really understand why!"佢記性唔好,唔記得咁耐。咁多記者電話,佢就覺得,嘩,好大件事。」對於外界指這是遲來的榮譽,她不同意,「都唔係呀,佢以前都得過好多獎啦, 得到好多同行認同。」
高錕 04年與朋友打麻雀時反應遲緩,遂到醫院檢查,其後確診患上老人癡呆症,步父親後塵。


黃美芸當時無法接受,哭了又哭,「壓力好犀利,因為知道呢個人以前係點樣。呢個人已經走咗,唔喺度。」她現在 已接受現實,努力照顧智力一步步衰退的丈夫,又得意洋洋的對記者說,多得她要丈夫整天跟她打網球,現時身體才這麼強健,「佢精神好好,瞓得食得,係個腦有 啲問題。我要佢(打網球)走呢邊走嗰邊,所以身體咁好囉。」
上月剛慶祝金婚的高錕夫婦快將度過 76歲及 75歲生日。諾貝爾頒獎禮今年 12月在瑞典舉行,兩口子已商量好,到場親自領獎,黃說:「一生只有這麼一次,我們一定會去。」


高 錕夫婦今年夏季從香港搬到美國加州矽谷山景城定居。他們接受多間傳媒機構訪問時表示,現時生活與一般退休老人無異。高錕夫婦居於旺中帶靜的社區,附近有華 人超級市場和日本餐廳。高錕每天行程包括與妻子打網球、上音樂課及手工課等。他喜歡看電視,又經常行山及到附近公園散步。在當地工作的子女每周探望兩老, 高錕特別喜歡跟孫兒玩耍。

「甚麼都不做 鍛煉第一」

高錕每周到專門照顧智障或體障老人的健康中心三次,與其他長者吃午飯、做動運和談天。高錕在中心看見記者,即 瞇眼笑說:「我知道你們是來找我的。我知道你們想問我甚麼,我告訴你,我很高興,(得獎)是非常棒的一件事!」他又跟攝影記者搭訕,「我以前喜歡照相,自 己洗(冲曬)照片的。現在甚麼都不做了,鍛煉第一。」

做早操後洗手 一臉稚氣

快將 76歲的高錕在中心與數十名長者一起「鍛煉」,早上做椅子操,在椅上伸手、抬腿、轉拳頭,高做完即紅光滿面。職員把潔手消毒液噴在他手心,他就一臉稚氣的向記者攤開雙手,「看,很乾淨,哈哈!」
中 心的主任說,前天得知高錕獲諾貝爾獎,還來不及慶祝,「我們才知道 Charles(高錕)是非凡科學家。他友善和氣,愛問老師問題,大家都喜歡他。」護理人員又告訴記者,高錕是舞林高手,並即席示範。 Charles牽着護理員的手,伴着老人們的掌聲和隨音樂哼叫的聲音,在禮堂中心起舞轉圈,仍舊掛着童真滿瀉的招牌笑容。

it was my honor to have dinner with Prof Kao few years ago.
we didn't have much conversations, but could feel his gentle & gracious personality.

what touches me the most is he now only remembers his wife but not the optical fibers ...........
those his devoted research works are no more important to him now but his wife......

if i'm (touch wood) suffered from Alzheimer's disease when i am old, please let me at least remember my husband and his things, this will be the greatest 福氣 !


a new try

it's always true that "女人錢很易賺 ".
the salesgirl almost don't even have to tell me the details, & i have already pulled out my purse.....
the packaging is so beautiful that i cannot resist.
and i have tested their "hydro-filler 2" which is very "hydro" indeed !!!