
zen flower

最愛紫藍色又帶點綠色的繡球花,雖不及蝴蝶蘭、萬代蘭奪目,繡球花靜靜坐在一角, 給主角做最佳配合!

小小一磚磚西瓜葉甚是可愛, 花開似是浮於水面......

跟我的小茶几甚為相襯 ! :D

花團錦簇雖然漂亮,淨明的空間感亦不可忽視。 做人如是。

5 則留言:

dapan 說...


aileen ♥ motu 說...

the orange flower in the 2nd picture is very pretty.... i like the way how it's "petals" open up....... is it crysanthemum?

ashlee 魚 說...

it is a kind of 蟹爪菊 :P

mytabo 說...


ashlee 魚 說...

hi mytabo,
may be u can look for the kind with less/no scent and pollen grains...
orchids will be a choice...
hum.. what else....hydrangea & ranunculas ?

rose/ lily/ tulip definitely no good for you.... :P