
2009 Kansai : 尋櫻遇梅

奈良公園有一處梅の林, 原來梅花樹是這樣子的.


這裡發現雪白色, 好靚呀!!!!


2009 Kansai: 發現小鹿

早上乘"近鉄難波・奈良線快速急行" 到奈良, 車程 38 分鐘,
遠離城市, 到奈良公園走走.

看別人的遊記說到奈良遊玩只需半天時間, 我們早上10時多到達, 3點多才回程; 奈良公園其實非常大(天書說有8000平方米) , 我們只走了一半而已.
到奈良公園, 目的就是見見名物 "麋鹿" .
日本人相信它們是"神的使者", 而這班"神的使者"很貪吃,

我們遙遠看見買鹿餅的遊人被數名"神的使者"圍攻, 很可怕 !
我買了鹿餅後迅速塞入袋裡, 避過一劫. (鹿餅¥150)
大王的 starbucks 紙袋, 不知是因為與鹿餅顏色一樣, 還是有食物的氣味, 給其中一名"使者" 咬了一大口, 嚇得我吖 !

老實說, 告示版的小鹿 和畫在電線柱的圖案就可愛得多.

走了一會, 到了一處比較偏僻的梅樹林, 發現2只小鹿 (其他真的很大隻) , 我們才有膽拿鹿餅出來餵它們!
餓鹿搶餅, 不消1分鐘就餵完手上的鹿餅.

2009 Kansai: 吃黑毛和牛燒肉

吃和牛燒肉是到日本吃晚餐的必然の選, 跟天書介紹到道頓堀的"五六精肉店", 據說店內只供應有証書的黑毛和牛.
店舖分開5層樓, 店員帶我們到的一層可容納5桌共10人.

價格合理, 的確相比起在香港吃便宜一大截.

店內使用備長炭, 減少油煙; 所以身上衣服也沒有太大油煙味.

看到餐具才知道"五六精肉店"的"五六"原來是代表五臟六腑, 意思是牛的內臟在這裡全都有得吃. oh, 可惜我不吃內臟 !

除了這個....... 燒牛舌實在太美味了!

其實, 牛舌是屬於內臟嗎 ???


和牛要燒至全熟, 千萬不要6/7成熟, 讓那些脂肪燒掉才是最好吃, 不是angus steak 呀!

魚很喜歡吃茶漬飯, 吃到好吃的感覺好幸福.

2009 Kansai : 道頓堀到此一遊

從酒店下樓, 5秒就可看見地標 Glico大型廣告牌. 似乎, 不論本地/外地遊客都要在這裡影一張到此一遊的照片.

聽說這幢商店街月底就要拆卸, 現在就免費讓人入場參觀.

道頓堀一帶盡是食館, 發現後街小巷的店都很有特色.


2009 Kansai : 関西到着

19-23 Mar 2009 為期5天的関西之旅, 出發前天氣小姐報告九洲櫻花早開, 希望我們也可以追櫻啦 !

上次去過, 今次便有了概念在機場要怎樣走, 才可九秒九到達南海電鐵車站, 趕上15:35 往難波的"南海電鉄特急"列車

外型有點像機械人, 全車指定席, 車箱很舒適.
住心齋橋, 難波區的最好乘搭這輛. 只需36分鐘便到達 !

今次酒店選了近一兩年被受好評的 Cross Hotel
地理位置超方便, 位於御堂筋 心齋橋旁邊,屬於 hip hotel 類型.
floor lobby 佈置跟其他酒店很不一樣


連日本一向的蚊型洗手間, 這裡也大一倍哩!

浴室部份很不錯呀 !



after trip syndrome

1. feeling unwell : headache, sore throat, sleepless
2. don't feel like to work
3. don't remember what day is today
4. sit and stare at the photos for a long period of time and donno how to start to write up the travel log
5. checking on the calender for next coming red day (especially circle those with consecutive 2 redsssssss)


sorry that i am not able to update here very often,
sth came up in my family, grandpa admitted to hospital suddenly, his condition is turning not so good yesterday (with some weird dreams....... hum... )


a precious holiday

it's so nice to have a holiday today (HKU foundation day, staff and students are free !)

what i have done today:
dim sum with mom & dad,
groceory shopping,
prepare chinese soup & dinner,
home cleaning (where the dust come from???) ,
bought 8 fishes for the fishy tank,
bought a bunch of flower for myself,
laundry, laundry and laundry (i hate this the most !) ,
prepare our kensai trip schedule on the coming thursday (omg, still haven't decided a concrete plan) .

tired but happie :P


his birthday cake

so, he has been longing for this cake for years......
the cake was highly recommended by so sze wong few years ago, but we didn't get a chance to order it. their IFC counter was closed previously, thanks for the citysuper staff who told me where the shop moved.

the cake can now order at one bar, exchange square.

look at the cream, so thick !

the best part is the caramel 噹噹糖.

however, we are kind of disappointed about it,
the cream & cake part are really not that tasty.

we both think starbucks coffee wins ! which is a lot cheaper than one bar tim !!!


meeting with friends' kids

難得與Form 2 同學仔聚一聚, 帶埋兩個小朋友出嚟的確開心好多.
由其是今次再見Cody 仔(右), 已經唔係手抱baby,
外國長大似乎純d 又可愛d.

拍小朋友照片的確好難, 開頭兩個冇乜反應......

warm up 咗, 開始俾d動作你.


發晒癲 !

Cody 老豆話冇人教佢做鬼臉, 我唔信ga.