
little sweet & romantic

i wish i have a garden,
i wish i have a garden with lots of roses,
so i can pick few back home everyday,
put them in a small glass jar & admire them .....
this is sweet.

if i forgot to pick them one day,
someone will bring them home for me,
this must be romantic.


dinner alone

it's already 1930 when i arrived the supermarket,
being a lazy wife, the most difficult task is to think about what to cook for dinner.
eric got to OT tonight, things become simple !!!!
the japanese sesame salad dressing highlights every plain dish !


2009 Kansai:串家

both eric and i felt immediate regret when we entered this restaurant........
if i were still young.. i would love this place.
well... seriously not recommend this restaurant if you are over 30.

see how many sticks there?
i got sore throat afterwards.... a serious one.....

2009 Kansai : flags cafe

nice dessert,
nice environment,
nice afternoon chill out place.
oh, it's the same group of 4C !


pink series: shoes for spring

i took them home last week & they are now at my top list favorite.
they are unexpectedly comfortable even they are high heels.

i am somehow a rational shopper; however, whenever i found sth love at first sight, i usually don't think irrationally...


pink series: pinky charm

this necklace with charms are for a lovely girl who is doing very good at school.
i visited thomas sabo new shop @ telford last week, the pinky heart is their new item!
i was also attracted by a pink ice-cream cone, maybe get it for her next time.
i definitely will drop $ there in every visit.
once you get your 1st charm, you will continue to get more and more....
e.g. an good excuse for treating myself good after a week of hard work,
birthday, anniversary, x'mas.....they are so clever


pink series: roses that sparkle

i love roses, especially their scent
i love pink,
i love sparkle things.......


pink series: peony in season

they are beautifully waiting for your pick up at the market !
guess how much they are ?
just HKD20 dollars !!!!!
what are you waiting for?

my pink brunch

i love pink very much recently
blended a banana + some strawberries... pink smoothie
the thin slice of ham is pink too !


2009 Kansai : zakka 探險@堀江區

junkei building 是我出發前在網上找到的, 旅遊書也沒有寫呀.

這裡有design house, zakka shop......

souvenir du mondo 是我很喜愛的店

店裡放有附近zakka shop 的咭片及資料, 形成小小community的network.

Raconter 令我捨不得走, 每樣東西拿上手都想買.

Momo nature 售賣女性化的無印類products+ furnitures...... 可惜時間不早, 只逗留了很短時間.

在酒店拍下在Afternoon Tea買來的可愛玻璃品.

其他戰利品, 有時間再拍吧........

2009 Kansai : zakka 探險@農林会館

很寧靜, 沒有很多遊客/本地人到的地方.
一間間的zakka小店, 髮型屋, 潮服, 設計公司隱藏在這裡等人來發掘.

2009 Kansai: 黑門市場さぬき

算是wet market, 那裡有魚檔菜檔食館.
經過さぬき, 店外表不大起眼, 但見到很多食客的手繪推介.

一坐下, 熱情的老板問我們那裡來, 然後就捧出一大疊香港遊客的推介:共15本, 問老闆這些儲了多少年, 他說只有2年.....

店主要提供烏冬麵食, 炸豬扒飯等.
我點了天婦羅冷烏冬 600円, 天婦羅現做.....好好味 (懷念中.....)

大王天婦羅熱湯烏冬 550円

tamago roll 400円, 很滑, 但味道淡了一點.
一路吃, 一路跟大王笑說老闆巳準備好顏色筆給他, 大王仲話: 唔係呀嘛;
係你架喇, 走唔甩啦.

(不過, 唔好誤會, 呢張相影到阿老闆唔係好想收呢幅畫添....)

um...是一間令人懷念的小舖 !
tel: 06-6647-4071

黑門市場還有一間大家都推介的三平水產.海老の大栄, 售賣魚生壽司, 長腳蟹凍frozen seafood.

買 toro 壽司 (1000円) 回酒店吃, oh.....太後悔只買了一盒!
tel: 06-6634-2611


2009 Kansai : 青蓮院夜間參拜

春秋時節, 到日本寺院夜間參拜是種盛事.
加上花燈, 份外漂亮.

有誰可以告訴我, 這些石頭在鳥居上是甚麼意思呢?


take a break and guess

eric asked me to post up this photo which he was working on an ad today at office,
what do you see?
& guess what this ad is about ?

i will post up the answer tomorrow !

2009 Kansai : hea 遊円山白川

整個trip, 最失敗就是穿錯鞋........
走一整天奈良, 再走一整天京都....雙腳快要斷......
從八阪神社走進円山公園, 坐在這裡接近半小時才可以再從新走路;

円山公園櫻花還未開, 先看看我認為很有型的垂柳吧!
