the big project is coming very very soon !
the guest favor part is done with the help of 2 moms & my aunt,
& there are still many things on the list....
we were extremely busy lately (seems even more busy than preparing for our own wedding).
eric & i are both very tense in fact.
i really really really want to "hea" later....
but seems the foreseeing vacation can only set in Feb 2010....sad...
6 則留言:
Hope you will have a relaxing holiday soon!!
遲D 問吓妳去大阪嘅嘢先!
妳妳妳妳妳妳妳....去大阪 !!!!
when ?
envy ar......
haha, plan 緊o者, 出年三月,
猶豫緊洗唔洗咁早買定 package
not wait until april for sakura ?
sakura sakura.... i want to see as well. but the JP yen is uping crazy!
Maggie Wu
haha, 好似上年咁, 慶祝週年紀念呀, 所以都係三月去, 不過今次留待三月最後一星期先去, 希望可以見到多D 啦!