
it's late, but glad that it's not too late!

今天才看《非誠勿擾》, 實在是遲了一點.
可恨當初上映期太短, 才錯過了在電影院看.

馮小剛, 編劇跟導演都是他,實在很厲害, 因為對白寫得確實到肉, 這回才發現中國電影的 sense of humor. 節奏又拍得流暢, 美指也應記一功 !

葛優做得好, 是度身訂造的角色, 沒話說.

驚見徐若瑄演的只有一場戲, 仍然美麗可愛.
看了香港Richard Gere 方中信的數場戲, 感受是:上天不公平, 為什麼男人老了還是好看 ?
至於女主角舒淇, (先至聲明, 我對她沒有偏見)就是覺得她沒有出盡力去演, 可以再好一些, 還是找周迅演會好一些呢?

總結是: 10個推介 !!!

相信在香港, 應該只剩下很少人還未看 《葉問》吧!
我不大喜歡看功夫片, 但這套又是例外.
甄子丹的打法 (還有外型)相信好看過成龍,吳京等人罷.....
有幾場打戲, 心裡暗呼 "好型" (不要說我敷淺, 我說的是事實)!!!
另外就是, 聽老婆話的男人總會心得女性觀眾的歡迎吧.

看罷在想, 梁朝偉又會怎樣去演葉問呢???

總結是: 10個推介 !!!


a devil seduced me today

a devil friend of mine just told me the prices of canon lens will raise starting from Mar 1,
see here

shall i get one immediately tomorrow (last day)

any suggestion?
i am thinking this one, and/or this one
this is crazy !!!!
i have checked over 20 shops in the evening, all said there is no stock !!!
they must be holding all the stocks and release after Mar 1 !!!!!

fine, help me to save $ !


preparation of our next trip

yes, Osaka + Kyoto again !
the places i love the most so far.

now busy in researching for interesting things:

lucky that all those interesting zakka shops are located at the same area. i think i will spend a whole day there ! yay !

and more:

to be updated !


3 pairs of hairclips

went to SSP last saturday, & found these beautiful accessories,
just glue and stick, as simple as that,
& the beautiful hairclips are done !
no wonder the shop was full of girls.


a handmade tissue box

the fabric was bought last year, finally found sth to make with it.

it was originally planned to stamp on the surface of white box.
but even though i polished off the paint layer, the ink just couldn't stay.


a pink wedding

pink but not meretricious.

jean & tony are very cute couple, the theme suits them very much.

eric asked me to take pictures on the surface of the piano,
lovely to see the logo & patterns reflected from the backdrop !

here they are

all 3 stamps are here !

i personally like the biggest one the most, then the smallest one :P
what do you think ?

next, i will try to make some small ones.... have to think of some pretty pattern first.


second attempt

sewed it on a cushion...

i should practice more, to make a perfect one !


i love packaging

make many many small tags

wrap & wrap

i like packaging more than anything else.

the leaves stamp was bought from petite morpho in my last visit,
pretty pretty!

the weather is no good these few days, very humid.......
& i found the soap is sticky on it's surface.
so i wrap them up immediately, & put them in a dry cabinet.


i'm addicted

the 1st one is the one on the left,

and the 2nd is a bit bigger.

now making a even bigger one !


my valentine's day gift

my 2009 valentine's day gift :D
thanks, eric ~!

little basket

bought this little basket from jusco $10 shop,
looks good with the soap.


the valentine's night 2009

we opened the bottle & celebrate !
the ice wine from last trip. taste so good !

i wish i have bought a dozen at that time.


black friday, not that black

話說最近一星期要獨自handle 一個"不可能"的實驗,
很多人都未曾成功過,大家拿着similiar 的 experimental protocol,
一早打定輸數, 但老細壓落黎, 點都要做, i'm so poor.

一開始, preparation work 就己經很頭痛,
單是預備一樽二樽的chemical 己很煩.
整個week 都很大壓力......因為抱着的心態是"實驗不可能會成功"! 做來幹麼?!!!!!

result星期四出, 結果是找不到 positive signals.
沮喪, 沮喪, 勁沮喪 !
下一步 trobleshooting, 太多steps 可以modify,
又冇人可以問 ?! 嗚....感覺好孤獨....

星期五, 見老細.
攞住四張片叫老細自己睇.....她竟然說有positive signals!!!
okay, whatever you say, you are the boss.
還對我說:"you are making a good progress" (魚想: 大佬呀, 我第一以做咋!) & "hurray" (比我還興奮???) !
雖然到呢一刻我還有小小懷疑, 但...um, 我可能overlook了.
anyway, protocol 還是要再 fine tune.
but feel more relieve now.

need to get some rest during weekend to face the challenges of the coming week.

happy valentine's day to all of you !


soap making VI: sweet romance

想做一批帶松樹香味的皂, 上次在兆成行買了松のessential oil, 愛死它的味道, 因為嗅着也有潔淨感, so refreshing !
本來"松"應該配合綠色才對, 但我只有red clay (而且是還剩下很多?!).......

又來玩分兩層色, 深一點的紅加淺紅.
跟據上次的經驗, 顏色會隨着熟成的時間而略為變淡一點.
所以, 這次下面那層加多了許多red clay.
上層會變baby pink 就好了.
皂上面加了點上次剩下來米色的皂碎, 有點像 nuts !
因為加入castor oil, trace 的速度頗快. 好在眼明手快入摸.
batch size: 600g

ingredients :
olive oil 50%
castor oil 15%
coconut oil 15%
jojoba oil 10%
palm oil 10%

red reef clay
pine essential oil 5ml


diy flea market at school street

下午二時多, 和大王到達la belle epoque, wa, 人很多 !
都擠在手作小店門前的一條街 !
因為今天舉行有十位手作人到場參與的手作市集 !

這小店實在太可愛, 店內每樣東西拿上手都不願放低.

人山人海, 很難才擠進去.

今次去主要是會一會認識了一段時間的 blogger aileen,
她弄的每一樣東西都太漂亮 ! 連eric 都讚哩!

aileen 的小booth, 去到時已賣出很多 ! 厲害 !
但當然我也找到心頭好 !


店主 leo 的packing 又是很漂亮 !
為了不要讓大王呆等太久, 在店內極速picked 了心頭好便離開.
和店主billie談了一會, 臨走時見到shizue (petite morpho 店主),
她給我介紹了rabbitoffee 的 ashley !

買了 paris+ rome 的貼紙, 不同相機圖案的布帶, aileen 做的 brooch.
還有aileen 送我的小礼! (<-- hey aileen, 大王讚你的手工很好呀!)

為了答謝大王陪我來, 請他在大坑附近下午茶 !
蘇棧Cafe Y Taberna這小店都不錯呀 !
點了 crepe, bacon&cheese toast, organic blueberries juice & grapefruit juice !

what a happy day !


yummy !

sneaked out from work early today, so have time to make dinner at home.
bought the yummy 蒲燒鰻魚 from jusco supermarket,
the portion is so big that enough for 2-3 ppl.

i added the signature 公主炒蛋 <--this is how i called my soft scrambled egg !
together with some veggie, i am so contented tonight !


1st time to use polazie (apps for ipone) for night shooting,
i think it's pretty good ar !

went to shiu shing hong @ sheung wan to shop for different essential oil and base oil for soap making. the shop is 50 years old with a very rusted antique cashier inside, but it's still functioning.
they sell different kinds of chemical at very good bargain,
i got my pine essential oil from there, um, smells so good !
dropped $ for jojoba, sweet almond, & castor oil....material for next batch is ready !