Diana F+ 買咗喇!
yeah, 給於買了DianaF+ 回來, citysuper 的店員教我簡單的使用方法.
原來要先選定拍攝 正方形 (12張) 或 長方形 (16張)相片....
這次一口氣買了3卷菲林回來, 希望遲些可以post些靚相上來.
he he, 在此鳴謝大王送出這份禮物 !
i'm loving it
bought this from a zakka shop@ Mongkok last thursday,
thinking to use it for planting/ floral arrangment!
chatted with the "lo ban" Danyel a bit, he is very nice,
and said may give me "行家價" next time when i told him i am sourcing some fancy things for wedding decoration.... ha ha...
they are having a new shop at Rm 117 Sino Center which is around the corner, will visit there next time.
mur mur mur
忙 freelance,
實驗上, 算是成功了一大半, 可以安心放假.
freelance方面, 夜半還在覆e-mail 報價,
請放過我吧, 不要再問我stupid questionssssss....有點想死.
shopping 呢,
haha...買了白色鳥籠 ! weekend post 上來.
tks aileen & kae for introducing such an interesting shop to me.
另外, 竟然買不到 10-22mm 的 lenshood !!! 天 ! 居然全城斷貨....
想買一條長頸練, 尚未找到心水......還是自已動手做?
忙 freelance,
實驗上, 算是成功了一大半, 可以安心放假.
freelance方面, 夜半還在覆e-mail 報價,
請放過我吧, 不要再問我stupid questionssssss....有點想死.
shopping 呢,
haha...買了白色鳥籠 ! weekend post 上來.
tks aileen & kae for introducing such an interesting shop to me.
另外, 竟然買不到 10-22mm 的 lenshood !!! 天 ! 居然全城斷貨....
想買一條長頸練, 尚未找到心水......還是自已動手做?
spent a whole afternoon at causeway bay today,
walked almost every shop on paterson steet and those nearby.
i just need a very simple black one-piece dress for the wedding...
why everytime when i have a target to buy sth, it will become so difficult to find ?!
and those things would just appear when i am not looking for them ???
but i found some good stuff @ APC, see by Chole, and tsumori chisato;
sigh....end up, just bought the daytime outfit only;
means, i need another shopping day.
also brought CDs from HMV,
jason mraz is amazing, i put his songs on the top first 3 in the playlist.
he is a very good singer-song writer, and actually he owns an avacado farm ?!
you can check out his website, which is very interesting too.
love the lyrics of this song !
the voice of 青山 テルマ is nice, her songs are very easy listening too.
reminds me of 宇多田光....
walked almost every shop on paterson steet and those nearby.
i just need a very simple black one-piece dress for the wedding...
why everytime when i have a target to buy sth, it will become so difficult to find ?!
and those things would just appear when i am not looking for them ???
but i found some good stuff @ APC, see by Chole, and tsumori chisato;
sigh....end up, just bought the daytime outfit only;
means, i need another shopping day.
also brought CDs from HMV,
jason mraz is amazing, i put his songs on the top first 3 in the playlist.
he is a very good singer-song writer, and actually he owns an avacado farm ?!
you can check out his website, which is very interesting too.
love the lyrics of this song !
the voice of 青山 テルマ is nice, her songs are very easy listening too.
reminds me of 宇多田光....
回家前買好餸, 好讓足不出户也有飯開.
回家前買好餸, 好讓足不出户也有飯開.
買了9個大蕃茄, 加4支有機胡蘿白. 加入已預先"飛水"的牛肋骨肉.
放入壓力煲 20mins. (不用加水, 因蕃茄已有很多水份.)
排壓後再大火滾掉多餘水份, 令到湯汁更濃.
牛肋骨肉在Jusco supermarket 買, 一包大約有30條,
喜歡用這種因為牛肉味十分濃, 肉質也很嫩. yummy !
新潟米快要吃光了, 是時候再去入貨.
這包1kg米也吃了差不多7次, 現在掌握了怎樣煮日本米,
左邊的日本麵豉湯也在 jusco 購買, 一袋10包, 只售HKD20左右,
材料豐富, 我與大王也十分喜歡.
粗粉絲一般家庭比較少煮, 也較難買得到.
what to do in a typhoon morning?
to buy or not to buy, that's the question.
wanna to get another toy badly: lomo Diana F+.
love the effects it produce, very special nae.
studying it's spec tonight in here, seems there are many flexibility.
& when i saw this feature "endless panorama"... blink blink, i always want to take panoramic pics!
with it, i can take pin-hole pics too, can produce old-school images !!!~
the price of lomo cam is always at very good bargain
but the bad thing is it requires special rolls, & not many shops will do the dev.+processing.
when i propose my wish to hubby eric the other day,
he said: "no la, you have your lomo fisheye already, & where is it now? "
er.. yes.. the fisheye cam is hided in a box now.
and i just had used it twice, i believe....
will Diana F+ be another 三分鐘熱度 toy?
anyway there is an exhibition this month in here,
will check out this saturday afternoon.
recent me
got the canon 70-200mm lens from my friend today...
want to have a try before i actually take it to Tor..
but, the lens is sooooooo heavy for me,
i felt the pain on my left wrist (injured before) immediately when holding it.
i even can't hold it more than 1 minute.
so, no wonder good photographers are always men ...... sigh !
telephoto-lens will be ruled out in my photographic life.
the new series of House, M.D. will be back on Peal next week, hurray !!!
i believe it's the 4th season, if remember it correctly.
however, will miss 1 episode during my stay in Tor... sad....
want to have a try before i actually take it to Tor..
but, the lens is sooooooo heavy for me,
i felt the pain on my left wrist (injured before) immediately when holding it.
i even can't hold it more than 1 minute.
so, no wonder good photographers are always men ...... sigh !
telephoto-lens will be ruled out in my photographic life.
the new series of House, M.D. will be back on Peal next week, hurray !!!
i believe it's the 4th season, if remember it correctly.
however, will miss 1 episode during my stay in Tor... sad....
好好收拾 (II)
happy friday
星期五, department 規定放工提前在5pm,
所以我就是說every friday is happy friday !
每逢星期五就最開心, 好像賺了不少. (平時OT 所蝕的都要攞返!!!!)
今日放工, 特意跑落旺角到 blogger aileen 介紹的zakka店一看,
店鋪有點凌亂, 肥仔老闆示意我不要進來, 樣子像在收拾貨品中.
又着我到他們在Trendy Zone另一分店去看....
出血不果, 便走到樓上書屋"自遊人書店"看看,
上次到書展, 偶然發現這間店, 專賣旅遊書的.
老闆很親切, 還叫我有任何旅遊疑問都可找他.
今日上去, 申請成為會員, 買書可享85折, 確實抵喎.
剛看畢"四國約定", 覺得很好看, 是我喜歡看的style,
所以我就是說every friday is happy friday !
每逢星期五就最開心, 好像賺了不少. (平時OT 所蝕的都要攞返!!!!)
今日放工, 特意跑落旺角到 blogger aileen 介紹的zakka店一看,
店鋪有點凌亂, 肥仔老闆示意我不要進來, 樣子像在收拾貨品中.
又着我到他們在Trendy Zone另一分店去看....
出血不果, 便走到樓上書屋"自遊人書店"看看,
上次到書展, 偶然發現這間店, 專賣旅遊書的.
老闆很親切, 還叫我有任何旅遊疑問都可找他.
今日上去, 申請成為會員, 買書可享85折, 確實抵喎.
剛看畢"四國約定", 覺得很好看, 是我喜歡看的style,
買了林惠美 & Celia 兩本書.
詢問了老闆 Jim一些造相薄事宜 *(但服務還未正式開始),
因為以前在 shutterfly 造的相薄, 雖然很滿意,
詢問了老闆 Jim一些造相薄事宜 *(但服務還未正式開始),
因為以前在 shutterfly 造的相薄, 雖然很滿意,
今晚吃飯洗澡後, 如常對着notebook 上網, 到blog友家遛躂.
平時會開著電視, 只為有點聲音.
今晚開著 itune, repeatedly 播放著古巨基的"下次再見", 很好聽啊.
想著想著, 只剩三個星期便要飛往 Toronto了,
1. 買旅遊保險
2. 兌加幣
3. 買衫買鞋出席婚禮 (what am i suppose to wear if i will carry my camera around for photo shooting? probably long pants will be more proper, but less decent wor....aiya, 但想著當日穿着3.5" high heel....我的腳趾可能會就此廢掉.)
4. study 鏡頭事宜 --> then seriously practice
(答應了朋友婚禮當日影snap, "考展張呀"!)
5. 買compact flash 咭 for 相机用
6. 幫 jac買 m&s almond biscuits
7. order 月餅給 媽咪 及 99
8. 未想到.... 應該還有很多
尤其是3&4, 不是數天能辦得妥的事......
快點"dick"起心肝, 今個星期做好佢, 免得夜長夢多.
平時會開著電視, 只為有點聲音.
今晚開著 itune, repeatedly 播放著古巨基的"下次再見", 很好聽啊.
想著想著, 只剩三個星期便要飛往 Toronto了,
1. 買旅遊保險
2. 兌加幣
3. 買衫買鞋出席婚禮 (what am i suppose to wear if i will carry my camera around for photo shooting? probably long pants will be more proper, but less decent wor....aiya, 但想著當日穿着3.5" high heel....我的腳趾可能會就此廢掉.)
4. study 鏡頭事宜 --> then seriously practice
(答應了朋友婚禮當日影snap, "考展張呀"!)
5. 買compact flash 咭 for 相机用
6. 幫 jac買 m&s almond biscuits
7. order 月餅給 媽咪 及 99
8. 未想到.... 應該還有很多
尤其是3&4, 不是數天能辦得妥的事......
快點"dick"起心肝, 今個星期做好佢, 免得夜長夢多.
take a break
to aileen & momo,
welcome to take some cherries :P
we all need to take a break in the middle of daily busy chores...
今天讀了兩位bloggers的文章, 有感而發.
其實, 今天我 take 了一日 day-off.
早上起來頭痛欲裂, 大王問我是否不上班, 我只考慮了5 mins, 即便再倒頭大睡.
到9am, 打電話及電郵交待過公務後, 便開始私人的一天.
1. 花了2 小時, 回覆團績了 1 week 的wedding clients' e-mails.
2. make phone calls to those potential clients.
3. had a brunch with no hurry !
4. 洗了兩機衫+簡單的執屋....
5. 開新blog, 關於自己旅遊經歷, 其實是將以前的舊blog的旅行文章搬過去.... (尚未完成).
6. 在這個blog 加入了 favorite music 的function...
覺得自己超級productive, 尤其是 (1).... feel relieve now.
sometimes, i'll escape from work to take a break to do my favorite things (without feeling guilty at all).
my dream-mate + felissimo office
前兩天執拾 lace花邊等時, 有個新構思:
hehe... 從小到大都要有攬枕才能安睡,所以做個 dream-mate 吧!
今次的形狀比較特別一點.... 是"鴨女".
大王話, 不像鴨, 是疑似雞/鵝/乳鴿.....
sigh..... 額頂的圓邊很難車得順滑嘛.....
很抵, 只售HKD129.
下午閒著沒事做,(其實有很多事情等着, 但暫時不想理會.)
跑上 felissimo office, 自從他們從長沙灣搬到葵芳後便沒有去過.
新office很cozy, 大窗把自然光引進來, nice ~
其間不停給騷擾, 聽到"嘩! 好靚呀!", "嘩, 我想買呀!"....
我好想同佢哋講: "小姐, 我同你睇法一樣, 但你可唔可以冷靜d呢?"
最終, 如果不是大王來電着我到荃灣 pick-up他,
今次order了5樣東東, 主要都是 couturier 及 kraso 產品.....
oh, 又來漫長的期待....
to 米雪,
揭過今期ano:ne , 好多cute cute baby 衫&用品, 好啱你架.
good stuff
checking out the felissimo karso catalogue now at a cafe
found some good stuff wanna to share.
these are soooooooo cute !
want to order this to put inside my car....
but they said "delivered to japan only"??? come on !!!!
but what am i going to use them for?
DIY again
i have not DIY for long (wish i have 36 hrs per day)
made this little pouch while watching hotel babylon,
using the fabric of my favorite color,
& my enshrined 3D lace (forgot how it called in chinese, it has a special term.)
i will put my engraving knifes in it.
we can have a break today here because of typhoon no.8 signal,
so squeezed time to organize my DIY stamps and tools,
i was so obsessed about this last year,
yes... & i left them in the box, pretended not seeing them for a whole year.
want to start another project this weekend !
watched Mummy 3 tonight, i give it 0/100.
i do like their 1 & 2.
but this one, sorry, really really 爛......
thomas sabo charms
如果你行過 thomas sabo 的 counter 而不被她吸引;
你可能 :
1. 已經沒有童心?
2. 喜愛 diamond 多些 ?
3. 是男生!
925 steriling silver, 手工很精細, 什麼圖案系列也有 !!!
跟店員 cotton 小姐很好傾, 幫我左拼右拼, 因為實在花多眼亂又心多.
愛法國的魚買了: la tour eiffle, je t'aime heart shape 吊牌 及 小鹿 charm.
c'est tres bien !!!
counter 設有10 mins 清洗服務, 可隨時拿去洗.
下次要獎勵自己, 或是甚麼節日送禮是個很好的選擇!
早前在 agnes b 也看見類似的東東, charms 可以逐一分開買.
下次, 要去拼一個 b 記的charm !
my ranking in facebook
just noticed this in my facebook :
Ashley's peers have voted her
Best dinner companion (really? maybe just because i'm not too picky... i just don't like animals' intestines, dried oysters, "fat" things like 扣肉 & skins... i think that is all.)
Most creative (i don't see myself very "creative", as i have met too many creative ppl.)
Most helpful (i do agree for this one, as for those who are once regarded as friends, i will put all my afforts to help them unconditionally !)
Most entertaining (who voted me for this? really want to know! i sing good karaoke songs.. ha.... and my 爛 gags work sometimes !)
Best travel companion (really? oh.. yea... i do like to do a lot of researches for every trip planning, you can count on me.)
Most adventurous (ha... this one... 50/50, i am conservative in a way but like to take challenges too !)
#2 most fashionable (no comment about this, but i do like fashion; was once in this bussiness for half year.)
#2 most useful (i believe 天生我材必有用)
#2 best room-mate (why???? have no clue at all, i don't like pillow talks ?! but you can have my eye-cream.)
#2 best dancer (definitely NOT!)
Ashley's peers have voted her
Best dinner companion (really? maybe just because i'm not too picky... i just don't like animals' intestines, dried oysters, "fat" things like 扣肉 & skins... i think that is all.)
Most creative (i don't see myself very "creative", as i have met too many creative ppl.)
Most helpful (i do agree for this one, as for those who are once regarded as friends, i will put all my afforts to help them unconditionally !)
Most entertaining (who voted me for this? really want to know! i sing good karaoke songs.. ha.... and my 爛 gags work sometimes !)
Best travel companion (really? oh.. yea... i do like to do a lot of researches for every trip planning, you can count on me.)
Most adventurous (ha... this one... 50/50, i am conservative in a way but like to take challenges too !)
#2 most fashionable (no comment about this, but i do like fashion; was once in this bussiness for half year.)
#2 most useful (i believe 天生我材必有用)
#2 best room-mate (why???? have no clue at all, i don't like pillow talks ?! but you can have my eye-cream.)
#2 best dancer (definitely NOT!)
very funny, these are actually voted by my friends who suppose to know me in certain extent.
flower design class II
每月一回の花藝班: 今回の主題 "多肉植物の花飾".
也需要悉心照料, 才會生長良好.
細心欣賞, 形態不同, 也很可愛!
今回自製の花器, 使用鐵絲網及春蘭葉.
自由發揮, 設計出平衡的形狀.
兩邊捲成縲旋狀, 有流線形的感覺.
這是魚的作品, 放上3小個用水苔製作的花飾.
除了花泥以外, 也可以用水苔;很有趣的idea.
感謝Mia 老師帶給我們新點子.
老師還建議回家後可加入石頭, 木頭等自然材料,加強氣氛.
魚回家後, 加上小石春, 將水苔花飾放在黑色碟上.
作為餐檯上的 center piece, 很別緻 !
大家的設計也各有不同 !
春蘭葉 ribbon 感覺
look at the details of 春蘭葉, very creative idea....
a roll shape, like a boat?
next lesson will be on late September, check out here soon.
my first kate spade
不久以前, 就認識 kate spade, 不過都沒有去認真細看她的產品.
friday night上cooking class 前, 只用了5分鐘便決定買下了.
喜歡她的details, 拉鍊尾部的鍋釘有 logo 標誌;
兩旁綁上皮繩蝴蝶結, 金屬圈刻有品牌字樣..... more details
從架上拿下來看, 中途已有超過3名顧客要看我的袋,
ha... 我的眼光沒有錯吧!
所以, 只考慮了很短的時間而已 (雖然事後有1分鐘的自責自已的衝動).
竟然得到現金津貼 ! Yea ! 謝....大王 !!!
今天帶了她出街.... size 很適合 !
p.s. 上週未在書展買了 "京都漫遊帖", 很好看呀!
had a nice dinner
又來 happy friday, 獨自一人參加了SOGOclub舉辦的私房菜cooking class;
場地佈置跟別的很不同, 除了自已參與煮外,
多了一份fine dinning 的感覺.
而且以所提供的食材而然, 價錢確實超值.
cooking station 不算大, 所以今晚 7 人small class 剛好.
還有, 飲品提供是紅白酒配合餐前菜式及主菜....
hoho, 喝了兩杯, 很high !
不要看輕這前菜 "刁草三文魚露筍卷 ", 預備功夫也不少: 一層甘筍絲, 一層菜沙律, 一層蘋果露筍沙律.....
完成品竟然變成這樣 !!!! 旁邊的黃色汁料最為喜愛 !!!
另一頭盤為熱食: 荷蘭汁焗日本松葉蟹腳.....
這碟給魚全KO了.下面的 mashed potato及蟹肉汁料很美味 !
今回用上M5澳洲和牛 (分M1-M12 grading).
配菜有日本南瓜 (經烤焗後十分甜美) , 烤蕃茄及下面的紅洋蔥圈.
配上智利紅酒..... 又喝了一杯.......
desset, 火焰焗雪山.... 製作過程很好玩.
Nelson 加送 creme brulee (焦糖燉旦).....my favorite lae...
今次以学会了這個, 遲些一定會在家弄!
她說: 乜唔係 d 濶太先去學咩?
魚: .......(對於佢嘅言論我唔係好識答, 因為no.1 我自己唔係, no.2 還未見過d同学, 唔知喎!)
同學之中有OL, 有情侶(男的是日本人啊! )及上年紀的太太.....大家都好有禮貌, 比較educated的一群...... 只此而已
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