不久以前, 就認識 kate spade, 不過都沒有去認真細看她的產品.
friday night上cooking class 前, 只用了5分鐘便決定買下了.

喜歡她的details, 拉鍊尾部的鍋釘有 logo 標誌;

兩旁綁上皮繩蝴蝶結, 金屬圈刻有品牌字樣..... more details

從架上拿下來看, 中途已有超過3名顧客要看我的袋,
ha... 我的眼光沒有錯吧!
所以, 只考慮了很短的時間而已 (雖然事後有1分鐘的自責自已的衝動).
竟然得到現金津貼 ! Yea ! 謝....大王 !!!

今天帶了她出街.... size 很適合 !
p.s. 上週未在書展買了 "京都漫遊帖", 很好看呀!
5 則留言:
i can totally understand the shopping 衝動... it happens to me too.. everything is so easy when you just need to take out the credit card... and of course it is even better when you can get "sponsorship"!
heehee.... it's good to get sponsorship from tai wong bor...
to aileen & ~米雪~,
keke XD, & this sponsorship is lifelong!
you love 京都very much wor~
i went to book fair during lunch time and got 2 books, one is photography book, surely for jacob la, the other is about colour scheme, that's enough, already too mny books on shelf, haha...
to karen,
yes, 京都 is my favorite place so far..... always think have not enough time to visit there, want to go there again very soon....