
redness of flowers cannot last for a hundred days ?!

the peonies i bought last saturday turned in full blossom quickly...
they appeared ivory as soon as like day 3.


a little charity function:: felissimo happy toy project

just back from the 1st day workshop @ felissimo tonight,

we learn how to make a patchwork bear bear & will have a lot to do this week.
will donate it to children in poverty.

my needlework is so poor compared to other classmates ~_~
hope the one who get my stuffed toy won't blame me about that....

more photos later when i am done with it.


long time no cook

simple dinner at home tonight :
1. new potatoes (top left),
2. assorted veg with ashlee's sauce (bottom right),
3. extra mushroom with ham spaghetti (bottom left),
4. meatballs from bro (top right).

ashlee's sauce recipe : <--- this is a great dipping sauce for salad/ fried food !
french mustard seed + mayonnaise + some powdered sugar

eric gave me 98/100 this time (he used to gave me around 80-95/100),
said the dinner was light, simple but yummy...
ha... gave me some encouragement to cook more often,
maybe cook once more this week?

checking the archived post, last time i cooked at home was Aug 22 !!!!!
dane.. such a long time .... shame shame....


flower of this week

今天見客前有1小時, 順道逛花墟. 又是peony 的季節.
今次選了特別的顏色....um 叫嫣紅罷.... 是不會挑的唇彩顏色 (笑)
還有4朵花蕾在另一個花瓶裡, HKD100五支, 價錢 ok 嘛!

hubby eric 說它很像膠花.... @_@

尋找隱世小店 petite morpho

一切都是緣份, 兩星期前, 魚胡亂找到的kit's blog, 她剛visited 在中環的小店 petiet morpho.
還拍了些可愛照片回來在, 照片立刻吸引着我的視線.
由於 petiet morpho 的開店時間比較短, 魚只能在星期五放工後趕過去. (ha..Friday 魚放5pm)

小小的店, 有一個corner 位放滿各式可愛的 stamps !!!
每種類都可以註足觀賞很久....很想立馬全部帶回家 !!!

一直都在尋找 特別的 alphabets stamps, 在這裡有大約10種類型,很高興選來了這個回家!


老闆年紀輕輕, 送我這份見面禮. 很有心思呢 !
如果你在中環上班, 可以常去啦.



my first ugly doily

um.. pretty ugly i think...

lenes pyramid

my recent order arrived, i bought enough for 1 year this time,
& they gave me 2.5 months extra lenses for free.
plus some free gifts.....
so, pretty good deal.


yum yum yum

our favorite season comes, time for delicious food.

what is better than spending time to have great food with family?

we ordered 25pcs this time, every single one was great !
all of us are full tonight !

i used to like the sweet ginger soup more after the meal,
but in recent couple years, i start to like the crabs :P

crocheting 101

spent less than 15 mins to finish this.
the initial A is my new order from felissimo, i'm loving it.
the lace is a newly bought item, love it too !

bought 2 needles today, 1 is from clover; whereas the other is plastic made with 2 sizes on 2 ends.
spent few hours to learn crocheting at a yarn shop this afternoon.
the shop lady is nice and patient enough to teach 4 beginners at one time.

seems to me that crocheting is more difficult than knitting ?!
but my mom said once i master it, i will love crocheting more....
i donno about that yet. but find it's quite challenging to read the pattern graph.

men's interests

大王常說魚的嚐好很男生... 電腦, 相機, 汽車...

哈, 我也愛插花, 編織, 做小手工呀 !!!

最近在留意 macbook pro 15" LED monitor 的notebook....很輕

13" 的更輕, 只有4.5lbs !
如果現在的 vaio (touchwood) 壞了, 便會毫不猶疑轉成mac user.

oh, 這部 Canon 5D mark II 的確很吸引 !
full frame, live view with video recording.....
價錢仲 ....hohohoho

fiat 500 最近在街上看見一部青b綠+白, 很型 !

以上價錢順序遞增, 可以給我中一次六合彩嗎?



在couterier訂了一個小小的 鈎物package回來,
今天開封仔細研究一番, 發覺比想像中困難,
明明魚以前對這些看圖很有天份 ?!

相信這個一定難不倒我 !!!

「工欲善其事, 必央利其器, 還要先弄一個漂亮的小袋裝好它 !
ha, 明天會很忙.

日本人就有這份熱誠, 還弄了漂亮的教學網站

little DIY - felissimo order

had a nice morning & worked on the 2 necklaces ordered from felissimo last month.
glad that i still keep the sharp-point clamps; otherwise, it will be very difficult to get them done.
the clamps were bought few years ago when i was taking the DIY course of beadings with silver wires.

i love the left most charm, very detailed.

this one is more feminine, love the pink bead, looks good together with the gold ornments.

will definitely wear them along this winter. :P

already want to order another set now ..hoho...

new project II + sth else this week

finished these 2 last week,
i have a headache in picking suitable photos,
may go out for some shooting tomorrow.

just finished a video making of our invitation card samples for some overseas clients,
hey, i think i did a pretty good job.
add an oldies "these foolish things" by rod steward in the video clip,
i love this kind of oldies, especially when on the ride back home after a day of work.

pretty exhausted this week, due to the heavy work load in day time.
"motor-hands" in doing experiments, one after one followed tightly;
no time to think at all.
i don't like that. :(

bought Jay Chou's new CD, same same as before, very Jay.

bought Ivana Wong's too ! loving it. this album includes the songs that she wrote for other artists. and she sings definitely better than many others.
e.g. 《多愁善感》original ly by 劉德華, the new arrangment by Ivana is superb;
《小黑與我》Ivana definitely brings out the mood

been listening to Carla Bruni's (the france's first lady) songs lately...
love her voice, and the music arrangment are good too ! very different from the ordinary ones!
hightly recommend ar ! i put some of her songs in the playlist, you will hear them when reading this blog.


「笑口常開, 好彩自然來」

「笑口常開, 好彩自然來」這兩句話大王最近時常對着我講. (原因是他最近好像很愛看那套「搜神傳」, 還是因我不常笑???.....), 今晚他又對着我說一篇了... {修正} 大王說他並不喜愛看好彩妹, 叫我不要影响他的 image !!!


今晚, 在家附近的上海麵館吃過晚飯, 回家看完清姐的節目, 大王着我拿手機出來幫我充電, 怎料找不到?! 大鑊! 雖然最近在盤算着要換手機, 但有太多重要資料在裡面喇 ! 要re-enter, 會死....

大王於是不停用他的手機撥我的電話號碼, 一次兩次三次都冇又接聽, 最後竟然"對方"打回來!

魚 : 喂

對方: er....點講呢....

魚 : 你係咪執到我部電話呀?

對方: 你頭先係咪响"xx"食飯呀? 快d落嚟囉返啦, 不過佢哋仲有10mins 就收舖.....

魚 : 唔該晒, 我即刻過嚟啦!

與大王極速換衫下樓攞車, 前後10分鐘辦妥!

魚與大王有個疑團: 電話中的"對方"應該是食客, 不是員工. 因為相信那裡的嬸嬸員工不会用iphone接電話, 所以要食客幫忙?!

大王不停說我很好彩, oh... that's always...keke...

anyway, 很感激能找回手機, 為報答他們, 今個星期會再去那裡吃飯.


dinner @ Shanghai po po

like this dark purple !

dinner here few weeks ago with eric.
there's always a long queue outside the restaurant (no advance booking allowed)
i would definitely NOT waste my time to wait.
i found there were tables available one evening after work when i just passed it by,
so, it's our first time dined in here.

i am very picky about shanghai food,
except for the top right-hand corner one,
all the others were delicious !
will definitely visit there again (when they have tables) !
photos by iphone again,
there are spotlights on every table,
so, the pics are better than last time.

new project

what am i doing these 2 days is trying to make my personalized calendar for next year,
busy in finding suitable photos now.
will mainly look for photos taken in the past few months.
thinking what type of material to print them on : foamboard, card board ?
just finished Jan, love this photo !

this photo of hydrangea was taken in last June,
picked this for Feb.
& i think more flowery photos to come simply because i just love flowers....


what the ?!!!

~ just watched the late news that HKD7.9= 100yen ?!!!
i am glad that i didn't plan to go to japan this fall.......

~ i am totally an ostrich to treat my stocks now....
just wonder.... dropping 1000 points per day... how much there left???

~ when there just announced a little increment of my salary,
i am forcasting there will be no increment next year...
should i be happy or sad about this??

~ just chatting with eric that we should look for a bigger house if the estate market goes down next year.....

~ & have the same thought as eric this morning that we should split our money and put in different banks, seems no bank can be trusted now ?!


dinner @ 廣東名門

連同老公, 相約魚弟遊車河去找好吃的.
因為即興, 本來幫襯開的興記已滿座,

裝修頗為豪華 (but this is not my cup of tea), 海鮮需要自携.
往對面海鮮檔買了兩隻大大游水賴尿蝦 (約14 吋長), 三隻奄仔蟹 及 大元貝 (海鮮共HKD400).

椒鹽賴尿蝦 的椒鹽弄的十分好, 不是加點炸蒜蓉在上面便算了, 很滋味.
大元貝都是粉絲蒸囉, 普普.
油鹽焗奄仔蟹是 古法鹽焗雞的做法, 正正正!!! 我們3個人都一致投這個最好味!
紅燒乳鴿, 味道不錯, 可惜因為吃蟹太耐而放涼了 (這裡冷氣很大).
另外, 附送的生果拼盤及椰汁馬豆糕也不俗 !

唯一不讚的是服務有點不夠貼心, 員工不夠醒目.
埋單HKD466. ok la, 下次會再來.

photos by iphone, 下次還是要相機隨身.



not feeling well today,
think i must catch a cold as i feel the heat whole day,
but my hands are freezing cold.

took a 10 mins nap on bus on the way home and feeling a bit better.
eric bought me medicine (a recent favorite drink: pudding with ice coco) after work.
had sushi for dinner, the ebi, tamaro are all too good !!! yum...
think i am getting better now.

we will have another official public holiday here (chung yeung),
and then.. the next one will be at late December.... er... too long, isn't it?


1 book many uses

bought this album book from toronto last time.
love the baby blue when first seeing it. very tiffany !
have added white ribbon with 2 prettie charms in heart shape,
look at the charms, they are different !!! but matched perfectly !
these 2 charms are actually my treasure, saved in my DIY box for long time.

planning to hold punch the flowery pattern on the border.
can use this as photo album, guest book, scrapbook.......
especially suitable for weddings and those who are obsessed with tiffany.

flowers this weekend

had a nice walk again this weekend at flower market...
gee.. i am visiting there once a week now.

this type of flower call "big white" in hawkers' term.
pretty good deal, costs only HKD40 for a big brunch.
and they are very long lasting too !

bought this too, i like the greasy green leaves.
put it next to "my cozy corner" now.
again, the price is very good, only HKD265 comes with a pretty pot.
it cost over HKD500 during CNY, i think.....

by the way, it's name is "fat choi (money-making) tree".... keke

to aileen

so those you were asking are actually transparent stickers in gold and silver.

still thinking where to put them on tho'.


2009 schedule book

奈何年紀越大越冇記性, 最近常常腦裡一片空白.

上兩星期, 還在 jetlag中也要逛街,
在 log-on千挑萬選選了這本.
小小的十分輕便, 可以由今個月開始用.
封面設計看似簡單, 實則有夜光煙花圖案, which is awesome !

2008 Toronto- bought some good stuff III @ michaels

a little regret that i bought so few things back from michael's,
what if they have online ordering and can ship to HK ?
i will definitely bankrupt.

2008 Toronto- bought some good stuff II + my marinated lime

bought these stickers from michael's @ toronto,
i spent quite a lot $ there, everything seems attractive to me.....
these stickers are from martha steward's section (my favorite one),
want to get everything from the shelves.

after 1.5 months, my marinated limes are finally ready.
i put 1pc in coke the other day...
waooo..... tasted really good!!!
will split a portion to my aunt to thank her :P