
diy flea market at school street

下午二時多, 和大王到達la belle epoque, wa, 人很多 !
都擠在手作小店門前的一條街 !
因為今天舉行有十位手作人到場參與的手作市集 !

這小店實在太可愛, 店內每樣東西拿上手都不願放低.

人山人海, 很難才擠進去.

今次去主要是會一會認識了一段時間的 blogger aileen,
她弄的每一樣東西都太漂亮 ! 連eric 都讚哩!

aileen 的小booth, 去到時已賣出很多 ! 厲害 !
但當然我也找到心頭好 !


店主 leo 的packing 又是很漂亮 !
為了不要讓大王呆等太久, 在店內極速picked 了心頭好便離開.
和店主billie談了一會, 臨走時見到shizue (petite morpho 店主),
她給我介紹了rabbitoffee 的 ashley !

買了 paris+ rome 的貼紙, 不同相機圖案的布帶, aileen 做的 brooch.
還有aileen 送我的小礼! (<-- hey aileen, 大王讚你的手工很好呀!)

為了答謝大王陪我來, 請他在大坑附近下午茶 !
蘇棧Cafe Y Taberna這小店都不錯呀 !
點了 crepe, bacon&cheese toast, organic blueberries juice & grapefruit juice !

what a happy day !

8 則留言:

匿名 說...




furfur 說...

多謝你們來手作市集,更多謝你讚個Packing, 我也真的十分喜愛包裝禮物,嘻嘻! -Leo

~米雪~ 說...

oh... i also went there yesterday.. but it's earlier than the time u went...
otherwise we can meet each other!!!^^

匿名 說...

too bad i have left by then, otherwise can see you in person too!

ashlee 魚 說...

hey 匿名 (<-- pls identify yourself, thanks.) la belle epoque still carries the handmade products of aileen and other artists, you can check on the shop. but that's too bad you cannot meet aileen in person .. ho..ho..ho..

to furfur,
thanks for stopping by my blog :P like your shop verrrrrrry much !

to michelle,
yes, aileen told me you came ! i was too late ar!

to joanna,
hey, actually, i saw your back !

aileen ♥ motu 說...

eric is way too kind!!!! but i am glad you like it... hehehehe.... just a little something...

aiya and i need to thank you for the ribena yesterday! it surely saved me from thirst!!!! thanks thanks thanks!!!!! xoxoxoxo

and yes yes... i was super happy to be able to meet you and michelle yesterday!

ashlee 魚 說...

to aileen,

they told me that was organic blueberries juice..
i must complain that shop ! haha...just kidding !

aileen ♥ motu 說...

oh!! hehehe... then it's probably just me!!! it must be either i was too thirsty or that i had never had blueberry juice before! but either way, it tasted good!! hehehehe