junkei building 是我出發前在網上找到的, 旅遊書也沒有寫呀.
這裡有design house, zakka shop......
souvenir du mondo 是我很喜愛的店
店裡放有附近zakka shop 的咭片及資料, 形成小小community的network.
Raconter 令我捨不得走, 每樣東西拿上手都想買.
Momo nature 售賣女性化的無印類products+ furnitures...... 可惜時間不早, 只逗留了很短時間.
在酒店拍下在Afternoon Tea買來的可愛玻璃品.
其他戰利品, 有時間再拍吧........
3 則留言:
oh all are so wonderful!! thanks for sharing!!
wah wah wah!!! thanks for sharing!!! i must definitely go to this place should i ever go to kansai! i will go crazy there!!! i love the lace monogram and lace stickers (are they stickers?) in the fourth picture! the glass with lace is too pretty!!!! show us the rest of your *victory items* when you have time!