
Diana F+ 買咗喇!

yeah, 給於買了DianaF+ 回來, citysuper 的店員教我簡單的使用方法.
原來要先選定拍攝 正方形 (12張) 或 長方形 (16張)相片....

這次一口氣買了3卷菲林回來, 希望遲些可以post些靚相上來.

he he, 在此鳴謝大王送出這份禮物 !

6 則留言:

aileen ♥ motu 說...

so nice!!! can't wait to see your great work!

ashlee 魚 說...

hey aileen,
me 2 :P

匿名 說...

我有日經過city super 都想買~~ D菲林貴唔貴﹖仲有晒相呢﹖呢2個係我考慮既問題所以唔知買唔買好~~

ashlee 魚 說...

hey Jean,
the 120 film is HKD33/roll (for citysuper) which can yield 12pcs of 5.2cmx5.2cm photo or 16pcs of 4.2cmx4.2cm. depends if you want to get a larger or smaller ones.

they have another accessory came up recently, so can use with normal 35mm film.

for development, i heard it's around HKD30/roll for 120film, but not many shops will do this....have to search in forum for the nearest shop lor.
for 35.. everywhere la...

匿名 說...

Thx for ur info ^^

kaekae 說...

yes hurry... take some nice photos and share with us!!!