
good stuff

checking out the felissimo karso catalogue now at a cafe
found some good stuff wanna to share.
these are soooooooo cute !
want to order this to put inside my car....
but they said "delivered to japan only"??? come on !!!!

these 2 sets are cute too...
but what am i going to use them for?

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

wow.... they are cute!!!
what is the 1st one?
does it have elephant?

i remember it has a showroom, rite?
if u will go there next time, i can go w/ u wor~~^^

匿名 說...

If I saw them in my Japan trip, I should buy it for you :P

ashlee 魚 說...

to 米雪,

to 小敏,
你個lavender之旅成咗團嗱 ?! (羨慕中)
如果你鐘意飲北海道奶,推介你買"白癡戀人"嘅朱古力奶呀!!! 細細罐好正架!
跟團的話, 你個guide會帶你去俚小路嗰間手信舖買, 有折嘛.

aileen ♥ motu 說...

hehe... i got two of the umbrella cases from them awhile ago... you can order from hk. i think you already know... you can also buy their catalogue and order. their catalogue are available in page one... i love them!