
my dream-mate + felissimo office

前兩天執拾 lace花邊等時, 有個新構思:
hehe... 從小到大都要有攬枕才能安睡,所以做個 dream-mate 吧!
今次的形狀比較特別一點.... 是"鴨女".


大王話, 不像鴨, 是疑似雞/鵝/乳鴿.....
sigh..... 額頂的圓邊很難車得順滑嘛.....

很抵, 只售HKD129.

下午閒著沒事做,(其實有很多事情等着, 但暫時不想理會.)
跑上 felissimo office, 自從他們從長沙灣搬到葵芳後便沒有去過.
新office很cozy, 大窗把自然光引進來, nice ~

其間不停給騷擾, 聽到"嘩! 好靚呀!", "嘩, 我想買呀!"....
我好想同佢哋講: "小姐, 我同你睇法一樣, 但你可唔可以冷靜d呢?"

最終, 如果不是大王來電着我到荃灣 pick-up他,
今次order了5樣東東, 主要都是 couturierkraso 產品.....
oh, 又來漫長的期待....

to 米雪,
揭過今期ano:ne , 好多cute cute baby 衫&用品, 好啱你架.

7 則留言:

aileen ♥ motu 說...

i can tell it is a duck when i first saw it. i think it is cute! maybe i should try to make one too... hehe

匿名 說...

thanks for your remind~~^^
so i must join u next time ga la.. heehee~

kaekae 說...

i think it looks like a duckie too arr! very nice arr... (i'm like you too arr... i need to hug some pillow to get into sleep gar!!)

kaekae 說...

oh... your sewing machine looks so cute and value for money wor!!

ashlee 魚 說...

to aileen & kaekae...
thanks for your support !
i did upset for 1 second when hubby eric said "it doesn't look like a duckling !!!!" he he...

yes, the sewing machine is surprisingly very good in both outlook & function. it can even bear thick cloths !

kaekae 說...

men never understand us gar la... i think all our men have the same problem...

ashlee 魚 說...

to kaekae,
"講得啱" <--- 同小苦妹聲線 (if u know who she is)