to aileen & momo,
welcome to take some cherries :P
we all need to take a break in the middle of daily busy chores...
今天讀了兩位bloggers的文章, 有感而發.
其實, 今天我 take 了一日 day-off.
早上起來頭痛欲裂, 大王問我是否不上班, 我只考慮了5 mins, 即便再倒頭大睡.
到9am, 打電話及電郵交待過公務後, 便開始私人的一天.
1. 花了2 小時, 回覆團績了 1 week 的wedding clients' e-mails.
2. make phone calls to those potential clients.
3. had a brunch with no hurry !
4. 洗了兩機衫+簡單的執屋....
5. 開新blog, 關於自己旅遊經歷, 其實是將以前的舊blog的旅行文章搬過去.... (尚未完成).
6. 在這個blog 加入了 favorite music 的function...
覺得自己超級productive, 尤其是 (1).... feel relieve now.
sometimes, i'll escape from work to take a break to do my favorite things (without feeling guilty at all).
6 則留言:
u really have a productive dayoff wor~~
i love to have dayoff during weekdays!!! ^^
this is so sweet of you!!! thx thx thx!!!
indeed a productive day for you... good for you! and yes, just like ~米雪~, i like taking day off on weekdays... the streets are less busy, the shops are less crowded... feel like you are breathe for a change!
can't wait to see your travel blog and additions to your music list... =)
forgot to mention, how do you find time to manage your day job and your wedding business? amazing!
yes yes, 我咪就係middle of the week 請假囉. 所以上星期三打風放假, 我咪响屋企 yeah 晒... ha ha....
to aileen,
冇架, 好彩我份正職唔算太忙, 可以準時1730收工.
我會schedule 平時after office hour or weekend 見客, e-mail 就squeeze time 回覆.
想起 wedding peak season 就快來就頭痛. 其實今年已經偷懶了很多喇, 接少咗d 細job.
wah...you are really a super woman arr... our group of girlfriends (including aileen) we always can't find time to manage a side business of our own arr... what you are doing now... make me want to WORKHARDER... maybe we can really do it!!
u are so tough! stick to a interest and side business is not easy, keep going :)