今晚, 在家附近的上海麵館吃過晚飯, 回家看完清姐的節目, 大王着我拿手機出來幫我充電, 怎料找不到?! 大鑊! 雖然最近在盤算着要換手機, 但有太多重要資料在裡面喇 ! 要re-enter, 會死....
大王於是不停用他的手機撥我的電話號碼, 一次兩次三次都冇又接聽, 最後竟然"對方"打回來!
魚 : 喂
對方: er....點講呢....
魚 : 你係咪執到我部電話呀?
對方: 你頭先係咪响"xx"食飯呀? 快d落嚟囉返啦, 不過佢哋仲有10mins 就收舖.....
魚 : 唔該晒, 我即刻過嚟啦!
與大王極速換衫下樓攞車, 前後10分鐘辦妥!
魚與大王有個疑團: 電話中的"對方"應該是食客, 不是員工. 因為相信那裡的嬸嬸員工不会用iphone接電話, 所以要食客幫忙?!
大王不停說我很好彩, oh... that's always...keke...
anyway, 很感激能找回手機, 為報答他們, 今個星期會再去那裡吃飯.
6 則留言:
Lucky to get this back, really seldom visit yr blog, as I really tired for my "mother's job"
PS I like the photo of yr calender much
so lucky!!! and that there is still good people out there!!!
lgxtplucky you!!!
be careful next time~^^
agree w/ aileen that there're still good ppls around...
you are really lucky!
要去還神﹗ ^___^
how lucky!! honest people are hard to find nowadays...esp here in hk!! ^___^
thanks for the direction to the soap blog! i love it!!
wah... you are so lucky!!
so far i already lost gor 2 phones gar la... hole charm gar...