
men's interests

大王常說魚的嚐好很男生... 電腦, 相機, 汽車...

哈, 我也愛插花, 編織, 做小手工呀 !!!

最近在留意 macbook pro 15" LED monitor 的notebook....很輕

13" 的更輕, 只有4.5lbs !
如果現在的 vaio (touchwood) 壞了, 便會毫不猶疑轉成mac user.

oh, 這部 Canon 5D mark II 的確很吸引 !
full frame, live view with video recording.....
價錢仲 ....hohohoho

fiat 500 最近在街上看見一部青b綠+白, 很型 !

以上價錢順序遞增, 可以給我中一次六合彩嗎?

4 則留言:

匿名 說...

yes, i think so... 慾望無限、金錢有限!my dear friend... good luck for both of us...

aileen ♥ motu 說...

your 大王 is very lucky to have you who can talk and discuss about boy-ish hobbies and goodies!!

yes, we fancy the 5D camera as well...

ashlee 魚 說...

to maggie...
yes, wish us both with lots of lucksssssss !

to aileen,
yes, in fact he is the one who seduces me to get the macbook/ iphone things.....

Phoebe's father 說...

5D Mark II comes to town, costs 20800.