this is so true! i absolutely agree with you! these free samples really create headaches. i always think that i will save them for my next trip but the "collection" just keep building up! most of the time, i ended up using them at home!
i just throw them away... or simply... give them to my mom!! hahaha... i will get rid of them asap!
haha, what a GREAT collection!!!I do think you can sell them in Yahoo, and you will earn BIG money!
to aileen,same here, 儲了一大堆打算旅行時用.但其實邊用得咁多.to kaekae,ha ha... my mom are pilling up the sample 小敏,有人會買嗎? 有又唔知點set 價錢喎?
4 則留言:
this is so true! i absolutely agree with you! these free samples really create headaches. i always think that i will save them for my next trip but the "collection" just keep building up! most of the time, i ended up using them at home!
i just throw them away... or simply... give them to my mom!! hahaha... i will get rid of them asap!
haha, what a GREAT collection!!!
I do think you can sell them in Yahoo, and you will earn BIG money!
to aileen,
same here, 儲了一大堆打算旅行時用.
to kaekae,
ha ha... my mom are pilling up the sample too...
to 小敏,
有又唔知點set 價錢喎?