
好好收拾 (I)

過去的一個週末, 立下決心要好好收拾家中雜物.....
第一樣就是各類護膚品的free sample,
上圖只是部份, 太多喇,
唔知點算, 要用都唔知幾時用得完.

今晚用咗 Loccitane 的 bath salt, lemon 味唔錯呀, 幾香喎, 又有olive oil 成份好滋潤呀!
另外試咗Crabtree 的rejuvenating mask, so so la...

明天用吓shiseido 's massage cream 先.

4 則留言:

aileen ♥ motu 說...

this is so true! i absolutely agree with you! these free samples really create headaches. i always think that i will save them for my next trip but the "collection" just keep building up! most of the time, i ended up using them at home!

kaekae 說...

i just throw them away... or simply... give them to my mom!! hahaha... i will get rid of them asap!

匿名 說...

haha, what a GREAT collection!!!

I do think you can sell them in Yahoo, and you will earn BIG money!

ashlee 魚 說...

to aileen,
same here, 儲了一大堆打算旅行時用.

to kaekae,
ha ha... my mom are pilling up the sample too...

to 小敏,
有又唔知點set 價錢喎?