
flowery ringpillow for pink person

remember the "pink series" last month with consecutive 5 posts about pink stuff ? pink is indeed my favorite color recently (my favorite changes swiftly sometimes....)

i made another flowery ringpillow for a customer,
it wasn't that girlie feel than i thought....
(worry too much before lol !)
hope she will like it :P

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

Very pretty!!

Siu Jac

dapan 說...

pretty pretty! ^^

波比太太 說...

woo, i love this one very very much, with my favourite pink/purple color, and the shiny beads too~~~
so lovely~ :P

aileen ♥ motu 說...

i am sure she will love it!!!!

joanna 說...

absolutely wonderful!!

ashlee 魚 說...

thank you all of you ^^