

人生中只弄了四五次, 因為工序繁覆.
大王這次也有幫手, 去掉骨頭部份.

雞翼的調味只用了一種, 就是四季牌鹽焗雞粉.
1磅雞翼落半包粉便夠, 其他的都不用囉; 很方便.
姨姨開西餐廳, 大廚教路把這些也一起奄肉類會令肉類更美味 !

9 則留言:

kaekae 說...

wow!! looks so yummy arr!!!

匿名 說...

That is a very good idea. But Mr Kwan doesn't like wings for its fat and high calorie. :-(

Siu Jac

ashlee 魚 說...

hey jac,

you can use the kitchen scissor to cut out those fat and skin ma.

and during pan frying, no need to add cooking oil (when u r using a non-sticky pan); most of the oil on the pan after you are done are from the skin... i use this method to "squeeze" the oil out... and the remaining will only be crispy wings.. hohoho...

wait any new dishes to share, Mrs Kwan?

mytabo 說...



ashlee 魚 說...

to mytabo,
we used kitchen scissors to chop off the "joint-bones" from both ends, and then you can take out the bones easily...

try try la :P

匿名 說...

I am afraid I will 折 my finger 骨s.

Siu Jac

mytabo 說...

同意siu jac﹐折手指骨一定容易過雞翼骨﹗

ashlee 魚 說...

to mytabo,

you are so humble... you are a great chef already! it should not be difficult for you lor !

to jac,
ask Mr Kwan to help for doing that.. eric can do it, so does Mr Kwan la...

匿名 說...
