watched 海角七號 movie with eric this noon..... (yes, we are kind of late.)
the movie is really really good !!!! glad we didn't miss it .
i cried everytime the japanese teacher read the letter, together with the background music.
(oh, we have bought the sound-track previously.)
songs are also goooood, very touching ar!!!!
one of my favorite, the lyrics are good !
如果海會說話 如果風愛上砂
如果 有些想念遺忘在漫長的長假
我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮
我是在回首時終於懂得(也許天氣永遠會那麼熱) 當陽光再次回到那 飄著雨的國境之南
我會試著把那一年的故事 再接下去說完
當陽光再次離開那 太晴朗的國境之南
妳會不會把妳曾帶走的愛 在告別前用微笑全歸還
海很藍 星光燦爛 我仍空著我的臂彎
天很寬 在我獨自唱歌的夜晚
請原諒我的愛 訴說的太緩慢
如果 有些想念遺忘在漫長的長假
我會聆聽浪花 讓風吹過頭髮
我是在回首時終於懂得(也許天氣永遠會那麼熱) 當陽光再次回到那 飄著雨的國境之南
我會試著把那一年的故事 再接下去說完
當陽光再次離開那 太晴朗的國境之南
妳會不會把妳曾帶走的愛 在告別前用微笑全歸還
海很藍 星光燦爛 我仍空著我的臂彎
天很寬 在我獨自唱歌的夜晚
請原諒我的愛 訴說的太緩慢
5 則留言:
how's the ending? happy or sad? i can't watch sad ending movies...
i actually had a little discussion with eric from your question last night.
how to say lae....
it really depends if you are a optimistic or pessimistic person...
i am definitely the latter one.
i see the ending is sad, and actually happy&sad elements are intervening the whole movie.
but eric thinks the ending is happy wor....
we argued a little bit ar :P
oh no!!!! i didn't mean to cause any argument! i hope you two are fine now!!
hmm the movie sounded quite complex... probably i won't be watching it if there is a bad of sadness cos i can get influenced by movies easilyl... :)
same here... i will be influenced by movie/ songs easily... esp when i am getting old ....lol
as i see, "遺憾" is the main sadness bring from this movie.... but eric didn't see this, and said the ending ends this 遺憾... so, there is opposit opinion between us.
we are fine, don't worry :P sometimes this kind of argument makes us know each other more :P
"same here... i will be influenced by movie/ songs easily... esp when i am getting old ....lol"
can't agree with you more. i used to be able to watch all kinds of movie when i was young! scary, sad, dramatic.... nowadays, i can only watch comedies, or cartoon movies...